PNW based fantasy and horror artist.

Art is what I love to do but am currently limited in what I can do.

New art will be mostly sketches

I cannot do anything on any sort of schedule, sit in one spot for long, focus. It's all a struggle that really adds to my anxiety... I cope with chronic pain since 2011 and it has progressively been getting worse from new injuries and general degradation. I have limited mobility, and limited energy so I can't do much in general..In the last couple years my forearms and especially dominant hand go numb and get tingling/burning when bent or gripping.. trying to draw, type, use my cane. Anything. Among a bunch of other crap.. and its gotten to the point I am unable to do much in life.. Am hopeful things will improve at some point.

Art, music, games, my cat, and friends are what keep me going.

I try to get outside and enjoy the plants, birds, and bugs. Taking photos here and there when I can.

My black cat binx sleeping upside down with his paws in front of his face. His little fangs are poking out.